Patient Testimonials

about Psoriasis Treatment

(Before 2012)

Kenny from Marietta , OH (Dec, 2011)

About one year ago I started going to a dermatoligist for a rash over 85% of my body, months later and failed treatments including low dose chemo pills and stopping just before his recomendation of daily shots, I found the Merry Clinic. A friend told me about herbal treatments and I gave it a try, all I can say is WOW, it started clearing me up within a week. I have spoken with and heard stories of people dealing with psoriasis for many years and recomend trying this stuff, it works. The symtoms of psoriasis are MISERABLE and l can't imagine life without my Merry Clinic herbs, I can't say it enough, try it it works. Clear skin from now on in Marietta Ohio! **

Steve from Watertown, TN (June, 2011)

i have had psoriasis for 35 years, i tried every thing in the world from tea tree oils, to seven wouders oils,nothing has worked. i find merryclinic on the web, and ordered two bottles, took it for one month, it was amazing how it cleared my psoriasis up, im ordering more. if anyone has psoriasis they should buy this because it works,best thing i ever took. **

Nick from Shoreline, WA (June, 2011)

I started psoriasis treatment 7 weeks ago on upper body back and chest and scalp.The lesions on back and chest are gone.Scalp stii is being treated as it itches still. What a wonderful relief I've felt. Thank you merry clinic for your help. **

Michealine from Grand Rapids, Michigan (June, 2011)

I had psoriasis so badly from under my chest down to my feet, also on my scalp. I had given up on my skin ever clearing up and being able to wear shorts or tanks tops again. My skin was so bad I tried four diffent dermatologists, dont know how many creams, steroid creams and pills. Finally one day I was browsing the web trying to find something to even just relieve the itching and pain. I found the Merry Clinic, I figured why not. With in two weeks I noticed a major difference. I have not had a break out now in over two years. I swear by Merry Clinic and have recommended it to people I know. All I can say is Thank You! **

Susan from Forest, VA  (May, 2011)

I have guttate psoriasis – it appears when you get an infection.  About 10 years ago I came down with my first case of psoriasis due to an undiagnosed case of strep throat.   When a number of treatments did not work the doctor was forced to put me on a very toxic medication requiring that my liver be checked every month. I am a health nut so I haven't had much trouble with it until last fall when I came down with another undiagnosed case - sinus infection.   Several weeks ago my husband and I contracted scabies at a 4 star hotel, which caused my psoriasis to burn out of control with a number of very noticeable large, hard, red spots.  Between the scabies and psoriasis I thought I'd itch myself to death.  Permethrin (topical prescription insecticide) cured my scabies; however, the psoriasis was just getting worse.  Bound and determined that I was not using any more steroids or toxic medications, I started combing the internet for a natural remedy.  I found Merry Clinic.  After reading all the great testimonials I figured I had nothing to lose.  I started the Psoriaid and the Skin Detox.  Within two + weeks my psoriasis has subsided tremendously and should be completely clear within the next week to ten days.   I have ordered the mineral soap and salts and more of the cream and look forward to maintaining my "new" healthy skin.  That's important to me at 61.  BTW, the cream has a little odor to it – may be the tea oil - but it dissipates within a few minutes and you can wear your perfume.  The service has been great as well.  I am so grateful to find a natural remedy that really works. **

Carol from NY, NY  (Apr, 2011)

For the record, these tablets worked very well for me. I suddenly developed psoriasis at the age of 67. I had never had it before, and neither had anyone in my family. Even more peculiar, I eat natural foods most of the time and rarely have much of anything wrong with me. I attributed the onset to emotional turmoi that I was under at the time; possibly lack of sunlight, since the onset occurred shortly after it became cold enough (New York City) that I had to run covered up with clothing; and possibly some minor changes in diet that meant more saturated fat. (I believe there has been some evidence in the past that psorasis is related to insufficient proper unsaturated oils). At the time I started taking the tablets, the condition was getting worse. In places where my clothes rubbed I developed red lesions that hurt and seemed to spread day by day, mainly around the upper body. On part of my back I had lesions that oozed and bled on the bed at night. I felt like a semi-invalid and hardly dared move. Flakes of skin fell on the floor. I took the 5 tablets morning and evening for 2 months. I also used a cream, Pzorema Creme, and later yours. It is a good idea to use a cream, as you don't want this condition to get any worse. After a week I had less pain. In 2 weeks the conditon was clearly going away. I changed my diet slightly to what I had previously eaten, so this may have helped too. It has been 2 months since I stopped taking the tablets, but the condition has not returned, and I certainly hope never to see it again. **

Paul from Clifton, NJ  (Apr, 2011)

I was told to use your Psoraisis tablets by my accupuncturist last year. Between her 5 treatments and 2 bottle of your tablets my psorasis cleared up totally. It was amazing that it look like I never had Psoraisis. The cream for the skin and the scalp oil too, I used and had much success with it. I only wish the cream came in a bigger size. When putting cream on your entire body 2 or 4 oz. does not go to far. I really wish I could buy it in a much bigger size. **

Egene from Shoreline, WA  (Apr, 2011)

Jean from Charlottesville, VA  (Mar, 2011)

Lym, of El Monte, CA  (Feb, 2011)

Lloyd, of Idaho  (Jan, 2011)

Marge, of Portland, OR  (Nov, 2010)

Evergreenrose, of Orange Park, FL  (Oct, 2010)

Ellen, of Rogue River, OR  (Oct, 2010)

Briseis, of Santa Monica, CA  (Sept, 2010)

Marilyn, of Avenda, CO (Sept, 2010)

Donna, of Goode, VA (July, 2010)

Martha, of Winesburg, OH (June, 2010)

Zuo, of Alberta, Canada (May, 2010)

I used psoriaid for only two weeks. The itchy on my head significantly relieved. Meanwhile, I am having less flaking, which was bothering and embarrassing me a lot.

Yolanda, of Moonachie, NJ (May, 2010)


Carol, of Avon, IL (Mar, 2010)

Psoriaid successfully treats the psoriasis on both sides of my nose.  The redness and scales leave after a regimen of treatment with this cream.  I highly recommend use of Psoriaid cream. 

Carol, of Kentuky (Feb, 2010)

The psoriasis patches on my legs started to get bigger and more spots were coming up. I know this was due partly to my recent separation from my husband. I started with the Psoiatid Herbel tablets and cream about 30 days ago and have seen a pleasant improvement. I am convinced that this products are working and will continue using them. Thank you for making these products available online.

Phil, of Waterford, CA (Feb, 2010)

I started with 5 capsules twice a day in mid Dec. I have done four things 1)take Psoriaid (10/day) Skin Detox (4/day) 2)Stopped eating Chips  3)Stopped watching Glen Beck  4)Accupuncture every 2 weeks.  I had about 90% of my body covered with Psoriasis and it has cleared up very well in 2 months.  I will continue to use Psoriaid/Skin Detox and improve my eating habits.

Dwight, of Saginaw, MI, (Nov, 09)

Kim, of South Plainfield, NJ, (Nov, 09)

Jose, of Skokie, IL, (Nov, 09)

Monica, of California, (Mar, 09)

Shirley, of Huston, TX, (Mar, 09)

Janet, of Kentucky, (Mar, 09)

Gagistere, from Woodhaven NY, (Feb, 09)

Jodi, from Seattle, WA (Oct 08)

Cynthia, from California (Oct 08):

Christina, from Pittsburgh, PA (Sept 08):

Sutah, from Long Branch NJ (Aug 08):

Jodi, from Canada (Aug 08):

Jean: (May 08):

Jess: (Apr 08)

From Sue: (Apr 08)

From Rebecca: (Mar 08)

From Tom: (Mar 08)

From Nay: (Mar 08)

From LaWanda: (Mar 08)

From Natalie: ( Feb 08)

From Steve: (Sept 07)

From Jan: (Sept 07)

From Cherish: (Sept 07)

From Linda: (Aug 07)

I have received remarkable (I have psoriasis on my hands and feet) results in just two weeks. I had used a number of treatments my dermatologist recommended along with tanning sessions at my tanning salon. The condition worsened with the steroidal cream and coal tar. I could see results with the Psoraid Cream and Psoraid Tablets in 2 days. I'm so happy I found your website! I will be going to Disney World in September and was desperate to find some relief . I have been suffering with this condition for 8 months. I see many clients that tan and receive improved results with UVB, however, I'm spreading the word about your products...

From Sierra and Russell: (July 07)

your remedies saved Russ's life, his Psoriase was out of control, and over 90% of his body. now he has very little around his ankles, with very few flare ups. Thank you Sierra and Russell

From Sandy: (May 07)

THANK YOU for this information and this MIRACLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My Skin is clear now.

You cannot imagine how grateful I am to not be a "prisoner" of the PUVA
treatments anymore.

I was even considering the shots for psoriasis because PUVA is so
dangerous for skin cancer & eye damage.

From Alison: (May 07)

Hope you are doing well.

My mom gets a great improvement.  She feels happy about that. 

She starts to take your medicine on Mar 17.  Almost 2 months, the proriasis is fully controlled.  No new proriasis appears.  Skin becomes flat.  

From Edward: (Mar 07)

Your Psoriaid Herbal Tablets for psoriasis have brought incredible relief to my severe case over the first month of use; such a fantastic surprise after I had long given up of ever returning to a normal life. I only hope that it continues during the prescribed three-month regimen and that the healing of the sores continues. I have documented my healing if you ever need a testimonial. Thanks again!

From Alycia: (Feb 07)

I have had psoriasis since I was 16. Your products are really making a difference and it is without the tanning bed! I have extremely dry skin and want to know the best way to moisturize? I had a hysterectomy 3 yrs ago and my skin is taking a nose dive! Help before I go broke buying products that do not work!!! Thanks.

From: Bernice: (Feb 07)

I am sending this Email to let you know how happy I am that the treatment from your Clinic has really helped me. I started it in September ,2006 I started having this problem in 1998 and it never completely disappeared. After two months, there was significant improvement. ...

From Tammy: (Jan 07)

Dr. Li, I have already began taking your treatments I ordered the cream, oil and the psoriad pills i would just like to say with one order my skin is at least 95% clear of the psoriasis, i just have trouble areas with spots here an there but cant get my neck and chest to clear as of yet. my big concern and reason for this email is because i am African American but of a lighter skin tone and now i have black dark blotches in the areas where my psoriasis was how now do i clear those areas up and continue to clear up the rest of my psoriasis also? Your product still is a life saver and although im blotched now i have worn short sleeve blouses without feeling so ashamed... thank you!

From Amy: (Oct 06)

I e-mailed the merry clinic first with questions about the psoriasis tablets and received a response right away. After ordering I received the product within 3 days. I have been taking them for almost a month and I have had very good results. I itch way less and my skin does seem to be clearing. I think the price is very reasonable. I will keep buying this product.

From Jack: (Oct 06)

This Psoriaid treatment really works! I've been on the Psoriaid pills, skin detox, and cream for 10 days, and what a dramatic difference!

From Roberto: (Sept 06)

I received the items (Psoriaid tablets and the scalp oil) I ordered on time and I am in the process of using the products I ordered. So far, after about a week I am already seeing positive results...

From Emidio: (Aug 06)

I am happy to inform you that since I have begun using your products my
psoriasis condition has nearly disappeared. My condition was local to my
nose and areas adjacent with the plaque type of psoriasis. I started the
treatment on 8/2/06 using only the Psoriaid Cream and noticed a great
difference in only three days, no more plaque and no more eruptions. I then
started on the fourth day to take the Skin Detox and Psoriaid tablets and
have continued to see great improvement to the point that only a redness is now evident where there once was the plaque and no more pus eruptions. ...

From Jacquie: (July 06)

I have spent a lot of money over the years on psoriasis products that do nothing to help me. I was hesitant to invest in another bottle that would just sit on the shelf. But, I am so glad I found the Merry Clinic web site. I thought I would try the nail solution and if it worked try another product. I am so happy to tell you my nails cleared up after the first application. I recently ordered the shampoo. I didnt think something that smelled so good would work. It did! My scalp has not felt or looked this good since I was a teenager. I will be a long time customer for sure. Thanks to all at Merry Clinic!
From a very happy customer,

From Beth: (May 06)

Thank you very much for the psoriasis medicines.  My sister from the Philippines started taking the Psoriaid tabs lat March 2006--6 tabs in the morning and 6 in the evening.  The are no more flakes on her scalp and body!  She is very happy for the results!

From Cynthia: (May  06)

My mother has suffered with severe psoriasis for nearly 30 years. However, the last 5 years it has gotten progressively worse. I happen to be surfing the internet, and saw the ad. I was reluctant at first, but discussed it with my mom and she agreed to try it. I sent Dr. Merry a letter and she responded promptly giving instructions on how she should began the treatment. I ordered the products, Tablets, cream and the mineral soap. After the first week, my mother condition started to improve, the itching decreased and flaking improved significantly. She will start her third bottle of tablets in a week or so. I'm very pleased with the results so far, can't wait till 3rd or 4th month to evaluate her skin. Thank you Merry Clinic for your produts.

From Karen: (Mar 06)

I'm writing this letter in regards to a product my husband had ordered from you,i have been dealing with psoriasis for at least 4-5 years now. i have been on so much medication and steroids, creams and even shots.i have been so upset and so embarrassed about this that its at times i felt it taken over my life i have 2 small grandkids and i have been so ashamed, many nights i laid awake crying. its been 4-5 years since ive been able to wear short sleeve shirts in public. i own a diner and deal with the public everyday wearing long sleeves in 90 degree weather was very hard. just as i gave up my husband found your product he begged me to try it i refused. one day i decided to try and 2 weeks later im so overwhelmed im just in shock!!!!!!!THgods honest truth today is the first time in 4-5 years i wore short sleeves i owe you my life, and i could never thank you enough. In fact i have a visit with my Dr next week just to prove it to him because he cant believe it. again thank you so much and believe me im spreading the word to everyone i know

From Shelley: (Mar 06)

Hello, My Daughter who has recently turned 14 years of age started showing signs of Phsorysis at 13 years old. Within about 8 months she had it covouring approximately 90% of her body. She had it in her scalp really bad. and even a patch in her eyebrow. It was all up her back and stomach. Arms , Legs ( front and back). She would not where shorts. I found Merry Clinic on the internet and read spent a few days reading over the testimonials. I ordered and put her on 12 tablets a day starting in Oct. sometime. W did this for about 4 months. Her scalp was the first to completely clear up . Gradually we noticed it fading everywhere else. Today, all she has is some white discolouration on parts of her arms which look like will fade with a little sun. She has now stopped taking them and we are hoping it does not return. I have had it slightly for almost 10 years on my elbows and knees and a patch here and there on my leg. I have not found anything or nothing that my doctor gave me ever worked. I am now going to try this for myself...

From Marie: (Feb 06)

After taking this product my skin is clearing up better than I've ever seen it. should I keep taking the pills even if it's cleared up all the way? I started taking 5 pills twice a day and now I take 3 pills in the morning and 2 pills at night.

From Malissa: (Feb, 06)

I have been taking the psoriaid tablets for about 3-1/2 months. I definitely see great improvement. I have never seen my skin look this good... Thank you so much!

From Susanne: (01/25/06)

I want to begin by telling you how happy we are to have found the Merry Clinic Website.  ...Our son is for the first time antibiotic-free, on a zinc supplement and taking probiotics. I came across your website for psoriasis, for although he appeared to have atopic dermatitis and seborrheic dermatitis, his skin resembled erythrodermic psoriasis after the antibiotic reaction.  After only using your product for 5 days, we're seeing such improvement in his skin.  His chest and back are soft and white for the first time in a year! The scalp oil has worked wonders as well.  We're hoping to soon see hair! 

From Patrick: (01/15/06)

I have been using the Psoriaid tablets for almost 1 month and I have started to see some improvement. I have also been using the Psoriaid cream.
Thank you very much for corresponding with me and answering my questions. I am pleased with the results I have seen so far using these Psoriaid products. I can't wait for 2 more months to pass!

From Pio: (12/01/05)

The psoriaid tablets (5) bottles I ordered & taking it for 2 months now is to relieve and eradicate my psoriasis problem for good.

From Sheldon: (11/30/05)

I began with Psoriasis Tabs (6 tabs, 2x daily) and found great success but even greater success when I implemented the use of Psoriasis cream. About 95% efficacy, and it was done for approximately 2 months....

From Juana: (11/01/05)

I really enjoyed the products I puchased. I started seeing great improvements on my skin, within a week.

From Kye: (10/23/05)

It has been less than 2 wks since Ive been using your cream and taking Psoriaid tablets, I noticed some improvement on my legs. I have used prescription steroids cream for long period of time, but have not had sucn a results. So far I am very happy with your products. Thank you !!!

From Denise: (10/20/05)

I would like to thank you for your wonderful product for my son's psoriasis. He is 13 years old and was constantly itching his head and the flakes were all over his clothes it was embarrassing. When I ran my hands through his head when he first started, I felt horrible flaking lumps that stuck to his hair shaft. I looked for help on the web and I wanted something natural and harmless. He hates to swallow pills so thankfully I saw the ad about psoriad oil. It was a godsend. After the first use, he was 75% better, after the second, he was 100% better, there are no flakes, lumps or itchiness. You have saved my son! (He is so happy and says "thanks, you saved my life" :) please put this testimonial on your website so everyone else can read it. Again, I cannot thank you enough!!

 From Vicki: (10/10/05)
This was my second order from them. I was so pleased with the products and the service. The psoriaid skin cream is a miracle. It brings instant relief. The psoriaid pills help keep my psoriasis away. It seems a little higher priced but it is well worth it and it works. I would tell anyone with psoriasis to try these products and you wont be disappointed. I have tried other products before and nothing worked til I discovered Merry Clinic and their products.

From Robert: (09/07/05)
This merchant had a superb website, easy ordering, excellent price and readily answered questions I had about the product I needed. The product was a life saver and I am more than pleased with the overall results and service! I will return for future needs and have already sent website links to my friends. Thanks for the wonderful experience.

From Sandra: (09/06/05)
I must tell you after trying so many different approaches and medications, I felt rather desperate. Most of the problems (itchy, overly reddened, flaky patches, some that oozed when cleaned or disturbed) are completely healed up! I'm SO VERY HAPPY WITH THE RESULTS! I will certainly recommend your products to everyone I know.

From Lakshmi: (08/29/05)
It has been 2 and half months since I last saw you and I am down to my last bottle of Psoriaid Tablets. My psoriasis is 95% gone. I have a few spots on my legs and very little left on my scalp....


**all customer testimonials as found on our Website are strictly the opinion of that person and any results such person may have achieved are solely individual in nature; your results may vary.
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